What is Corruption

Corruption is the misuse or abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

The noun corruption comes from Latin - com, meaning "with, together," and rumpere, meaning "to break." Engaging in corruption can "break" or destroy someone's trustworthiness and good reputation with others.

This broader definition covers not only the public servants, but also the private sector such as the CEO of a company, a teller at a bank, a security officer, the coach of a sports team and more.

According to Section 2 of the Anti-Corruption Act, Corruption means the acts of soliciting, accepting, obtaining, giving, promising, or offering of a gratification by way of a bribe or inducement, or the misuse or abuse of a public office for advantage or benefit for oneself or for another person. 

What is unlawful gratification?

According to Section 2 of the Anti-Corruption Act, Gratification includes money, a gift, loan, fee, reward, commission, discount, rebate, security, property, or interest in property of any description, whether movable or immovable. Any promise of employment, vote or protection from any penalty or disciplinary nature.