Anti-Corruption education is not just about teaching; it is about providing information. Important concepts and values may be transmitted while discussing other topics as well.
This will include campaigns, pupil conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, debates and developing curriculum for schools and Post-secondary institutions. Such will allow then to develop moral attitudes and capabilities necessary to shape the civic anti-corruption attitudes of young people. It will also provide knowledge about the phenomenon of corruption and the problems posed by and ways of dealing with them.
School children need to know how corruption is eroding our society and social norms. It is very important that young minds get sensitised about corruption so they know how to tackle it when they face such a situation. Equally they need to understand that they are part of the same society which is plagued by corruption, and thus should be part of the change they want to see as they are the future citizens of that same country.
Awareness will target the whole population through the use of media, publications and public meetings. It will also include visiting Government & other public sectors, and based on request private sectors too. Risk assessments will be conducted to identify opportunities for corruption to occur hence strengthen their policies and procedures already in place, if not provide support on the matter.