Online Corruption Report Form

Note: You are entitled to make an anonymous complaint but this may affect the effectiveness of the investigation as the ACCS may need to verify matters, or obtain further details which can be difficult without contact information. In addition, the ACCS will not be able to advise the complainant of any decisions or action on the matter.

All fields mark with an asterick are compulsory.
Full Name I.D/Passport No Address Contact Number Email
Are you filling this complaint form on behalf of someone else? If yes, then please fill in accordingly.
Full Name I.D/Passport No Address Contact Number Email
You are filing a complaint against who?
Name of person or organisation * Address * Contact Number * Email *
Complaint of corrupt practice relating to *
Abuse of power
Unexplained wealth
Falsification of documents
Reporting acts of bribery
Conflict of interest
Sexual favours
Interference with court witnesses
Others / please specify below
Statement *
Note - Details such as dates, time, locations and the names of individuals and/or organisations are very important when explaining what the complaint is all about.
Supporting Evidence *
Voice Recordings
Bank statements/transactions
Form of identification
Police statements
Medical documents
Others / please specify below
Have you taken legal and/or court actions in regards of this complaint? If yes, kindly specify.
Statement of Declaration
Part III, Section 52 (10) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2016 states:
“A person commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding SCR300,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, or to both such fine and imprisonment if he or she in bad faith, makes a frivolous or vexatious complaint to the Commission.” I, the undersigned warrant that the information given in this complaint is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, that all the attached documents are unabridged and where an opinion is stated, such opinion is stated in good faith.
Signature *
Date *