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Interview with Mrs MAY DE SILVA - COMMISSIONER OF ACCS on 20.11.24
Applications are invited from persons who are qualified under Section10 of the Anti-Corruption (Amendment) Act (No 19) of 2021 for appointment to the Advisory Council of the Anti-Corruption Commission.
October 17 2023 SADC Heads of Anti-Corruption Agencies resolve to strengthen cooperation in the fight against corruption and transnational organised crime
October 17 2023 SADC Heads of Anti-Corruption Agencies resolve to strengthen cooperation in the fight against corruption and transnational organised crime
ACCS and United States commit to continued collaboration in fight against corruption and money laundering
The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles and the Seychelles Prison Service signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today to further develop their partnership in creating anti-corruption awareness and addressing corruption within the prison setting
School programs dedicated to raising awareness against corruption
Seychelles has the lowest perception index in the African continent in 2022. Observers attribute this performance to the Anti-Corruption Commission, created in 2017. This body has multiplied the number of prosecutions against corruption accused public figures, including former First Lady Sarah René.
ACCS receives encouragement and Support from the UK
School Children learn about Corruption
Judge Burhan orders prohibition of disposal of assets in the matter of Fahreen Rajan under Section 3 of Proceeds of Crime (Civil Confiscation) Act 2008
Providence, Mahe, Seychelles: In an Interim Order issued on Tuesday, 23 August, 2022, Judge Burhan of the Supreme Court of Seychelles ordered that shares purchased illegally from criminal conduct in AP Towers Holdings PTE Limited (Company Registration No 201937707D) were to be surrendered to the Government of Seychelles.
The Commissioners Message on the occasion of African Anti-Corruption Day 2022 - 11th July
Significant strides have been made in the fight against Corruption globally and nationally. For the year 2021, the Seychelles achieved a global ranking of 23 out of 180 countries on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI 2022) with an index score of 70 out of a possible 100, ranking at number 1 in Sub-Saharan Africa on the Index issued by Transparency International.
Operation Black Iron Update 19 May, 2022
On 19th May 2022, at the Supreme Court, the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) substituted existing charges brought against Mukesh Valabhji and Sarah Rene relating to corruption, abuse of authority of office and money laundering following a notice of motion being served. There are in total 15 proposed charges: 11 against Mukesh Valabhji and five against Sarah Rene, including one charge in which they are jointly charged.
Seychelles marks the World Anti-Corruption Day with historical breakthrough
(Seychelles News Agency) - This year Seychelles marks the World Anti-Corruption Day with historical breakthrough as prosecution of persons suspected of corruption practices unfolds
International Anti-Corruption Day 2021
On International Anti-Corruption Day, the British High Commission would like to thank all of the people in the United Kingdom and Seychelles, who are working hard to ensure that the proceeds of crime are returned to the communities that they were stolen from. Every rupee that is lost to corruption is lost to schools, hospitals and the life chances of our children.
ACCS makes further arrest in US 50 million corruption case
The Anti-Corruption Commission has made a further arrest on Friday 26th November 2021 as part of the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of USD50 million provided to the Government of Seychelles by the Government in Abu Dhabi in 2002.
The Seychelles Revenue Commission and the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles signs an MOU
THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021, VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES: The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) and the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 09th March 2021 at the SRC Headquarters at Maison Collet in Victoria.
PRESS RELEASE 8th September 2020 - ACCS Investigation of Cases and 50M Case
The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) confirms that it is continuing with its investigation of the $50M case and all other cases lodged with this institution. We are concerned that there are allegations of unnecessary delays in the investigation of our cases.
COVID19 Guidelines
Due to the COVID19 pandemic and guidelines issued by Department of Health, all complaints to ACCS should be made via phone - 4326061 or email
[email protected]
Chairmans message for the 9th December, 2019 UN Anti-Corruption Day
In an effort to highlight the negative impact of corruption on economic development and government stability the United Nations General Assembly in 2003 designated 9th December as the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day and it is celebrated annually.
National Coordination Meeting of Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles
On the 25th May 2015, the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles organised a high-level consultative meeting to discuss the need for closer cooperation among the different law enforcement agencies in the country to effectively fight corruption.
Seychelles: First Anti-Corruption Survey
The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) officially announced the Commission's very first anti-corruption awareness campaign in a press conference which took place at ACCS head office on Friday 6th October 2017. As part of the awareness campaign, ACCS will also be conducting a Public Opinion Survey on the Perception of Corruption.
Breaking News - 1st February 2018 - First cases to be submitted to the Attorney General
The Chief Executive Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS), Ms May De Silva met with the Attorney General, Mr Frank Ally on the 31st January 2018, to initiate the formal process in handing over three cases which the Commission have been investigating for the past 6 months. ACCS is confident that it is handing over sufficient evidence to the Attorney General for his office to pursue the matter in accordance to Section 64 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2016.
Two new Board Members appointed to the ACCS
President Danny Faure presented two newly appointed members of the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) with their Instruments of Appointment during a ceremony held at State House this morning.
Anti-Corruption Commission ready to receive cases from public
The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) is open and ready to receive cases from the public. Justice Duncan Gaswaga, the chairman of the ACCS, called on the members of the public to "not just talk about any corrupt practices you may witness but to come forward and report to us." He said that the identity of any person filing a case will be kept private.
Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer of ACCS
The President of the Republic, President Danny Faure presented Ms May De Silva with her Instrument of Appointment as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) this morning at State House.
Appointment of the Board of ACCS
The Office of the President has announced that, following recommendations received from the Constitutional Appointments Authority, the President has appointed the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Members of the Anti-Corruption Commission, in accordance with Sections 6 and 7 of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2016.